Dingen te overwegen bij een functiebeschrijving

The art of a good job.

Very important to inform. Potential candidate well But to have yourself. Well ‘image in mind’

Basic elements job

The job description is the basis of human resources. It is the document in which you indicate
what you expect from a particular function within the organization. Based on that you can
format vacancy, you can follow the operation and you can evaluate a staff. Are you looking for a job ?

Below are some basic elements for a job.

1. General information
• Name of the function

• Choose a descriptive name for the function. The name should be both a reflection of what the
job entails, on the other hand you choose a name that is obvious to outsiders.

• Hours per week, indicate how many hours of employment for this position.

• Purpose of the function, describe, powerful and clear what the organization is the purpose of the function.

• Formulate achievable and measurable objectives. This gives clarity to the role and makes it easier to evaluate.

• If the target is not well defined, the staff immediately knows what is expected of him / her
is expected and what is not.

• Place in the organization. Locate the function within the organization chart of the organization. And make it clear to whom this function is accountable and possibly who is accountable. To him or her

2. Job description

Activities and tasks

Provide a list of specific tasks again, which should be done. For this function


Indicate clearly the responsibilities within this function.

3. Profile Description

• Knowledge. What knowledge one must have to be able to do this function? Well

• describe how she / he should be home.

• Competencies

Competencies are the skills and attitude or behavior that is making the
necessary skills (see above) may be in the goals of the function. fully converted

• Examples of skills:

– In the area of leadership: leadership, delegation, planning, decisive, others
boost control, strategic insight, can negotiate

– On a personal level: self-confidence, initiative, courage, stress resistant, virtually
created, can systematically work, creative

– On inter-personal level: team player, able to network, respectful, flexible, honest,
good communication skills, able to convince, listening skills, social

We hope you will, if to have helped. Necessary and desirable way
With pleasure we will help you in setting up such a profile.